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Writer's pictureRamat Oyetunji

2018: #KeepItSimple and #JustDoIt

Updated: Feb 2, 2023

2018 will be a great year! I’m choosing to start the year with a positive proclamation, and I hope that you do too!

The FI Woman has two mantras for 2018: #justdoit and #keepitsimple. When it comes to life, and your money, these two mantras help get results.

Just Do It

I am yet to meet anyone who achieved a goal by sitting on the sidelines. Fear of taking action is a real thing, as is analysis-paralysis. Is it the right move? Are there better options? Maybe something will change … and on and on it goes, until you realize that a lot of time has gone by. Stop. Just do it.

That doesn’t mean making rash, uneducated decisions. It just means taking action.

Keep It Simple

Sometimes we’re our own worst enemies. We make things more complicated than they need to be, and we overthink and overanalyze until we’ve turned a simple problem or task into a gigantic undertaking. Take a deep breath and remember to keep it simple. Bring it all back down to the basics.

Stay Tuned …

I believe in building blocks – Rome wasn’t built in a day, afterall! This year, on the first Sunday of every month, I will post a blog on one #justdoit and #keepitsimple step to take.

Each month’s #justdoit and #keepitsimple step will help you build a stronger financial base in 2018, and will bring you closer to achieving your goals.

2018 will be a great year. Let’s get started!

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